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Copyright 2003 - 2024
Hangar 10 Aero, LL



Hatz Bantam Plans


Complete set of CAD plans for the Hatz Bantam Biplane.

Fuselage/ WELDMENT Assemblies
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Includes welded fuselage frame with all attach fittings and tabs, cabane vee, main landing gear legs assembled with machined aluminum axles, fully assembled shock struts with springs, torque tube and bearings, control sticks and linkage tube, rudder pedals with toe brakes (rear cockpit) and two position brake axles, left or right adjustable vertical fin, rudder, horizontal stabilizers, elevators all with bronze bushings and clevis pins, trim tab.  Does not include powder coating.


ul power engine mount 
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$790 Welded engine mount.
verner 7u engine mount
$1,200 Three piece mount, including installation washers and Spider arms for enclosed engine cowl. Mount is 4130 steel, .75 x .049 wall, Spider is .100 thick. Engine mounting holes must be 7/8” Diameter to accept engine mount bushings. Powder coating can be quoted at cost only (no mark-up).
ALUMINUM WING KIT20210717_132421.jpg (2760581 bytes)

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$12,430 Aluminum Wing Gallery

Extruded spars, pressed ribs, leading edge channels, leading edge skins, 1" bracing tubes, spacers and bushings, 4130 wing attach fittings, tip bows, all aileron parts, bell cranks, bearings and linkage, rod end and adhesive tape.  Does not include fasteners (nuts, bolts, washers) or fabric covering materials

Turtle Back Assembly and 
Forward Bulkheads
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Updates in progress Pre-cut SS .016 firewall, station 2 fwd Instrument panel with door, station 3 access bulkhead with door, station 3 Instrument panel, station 4 baggage access bulkhead with door, turtleback former bulkheads with vertical fin offset (left or right), aluminum hat stringers, elevator horn covers.
Seats and 
baggage Assembly
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Updates in progress
Cut and roll-formed backs, seat panels, and sides.  Pre-cut baggage compartment ready for riveting. Assembly includes pre-pierced pilot holes for riveting and reinforcing pads.  Ready to assemble.
welded streamline struts
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4130 Streamline tubing, 1.645 x .740 x .049, Cabane and Interplane struts with welded doublers and tabs. Holes are pre-drilled one size under to be reamed during installation. Powder coating can be quoted at cost only (no mark-up).

stainless steel strut lugs20221223_141527.jpg (587130 bytes)

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$721 Twelve (eight angled, four straight) machined 303 stainless steel strut lugs. Barrel hole diameter is 1/4” and the tab hole is 3/8” to accept a 3/8” x 1/4” bushing inside of the streamline tube. Bushing stock included.
stainless steel flying and landing wire lugs20221223_141555.jpg (1152104 bytes)

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$928 Flying, landing and roll wire lugs are machined from 303 stainless steel. A swivel fitting for the rear twin flying wires prevents unequal tensioning. These fittings are specific to the Hatz Bantam aluminum wing spars and will not work on CB-1 wings.
Both strut and wire lugs as a set $1,600  
firewall forward
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Updates in progress

Engine mount, fiberglass nose bowl and engine cowlings.
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19 gallon single piece natural cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) fuel tank

Aluminum and brass inserts and fittings, pressure tested, naturally translucent, virtually indestructible, light weight, 12 lbs. Designed for the Hatz Bantam fuselage.

The Hatz Bantam fuel tank can be filled from the ground without a ladder. Located in the fuselage (similar to a J-3 cub), the weight lowers the center of gravity, improving stability in the air and on the ground. 

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Due to the variable cost of materials,
estimated costs will be adjusted to firm pricing on ordered assemblies.