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Hatz Bantam Plans

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Hatz Partz

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Super Bantam Gallery

Radial Bantam Gallery

Aluminum Wing Gallery


Copyright 2003 - 2021
Hangar 10 Aero


cut pieces.jpg (59273 bytes)  stamped ribs.jpg (64503 bytes)  spars.jpg (55645 bytes)  ribs on spars.jpg (65977 bytes)  compression tubes.jpg (51931 bytes)wing.jpg (76429 bytes)  attach fittings.jpg (64284 bytes)  painted fittings.jpg (57989 bytes)  fitting fit.jpg (47625 bytes)  leading edge.jpg (64068 bytes) leading edge forming.jpg (65643 bytes)  hand hold.jpg (46456 bytes)  wpe1.jpg (30011 bytes)  jig detail.jpg (41443 bytes)  side jig.jpg (63494 bytes)  landing assembly.jpg (50649 bytes)  partial fuselage.jpg (57067 bytes)  fuselage 1.jpg (64421 bytes)

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